HASEL Actuator Design for Out-of-Plane Bending: A Parametric Study of Planar Geometry Peer-Reviewed ConferenceTalia MooreApril 21, 2024soft robotics, robotics, gripper, modeling
SKOOTR: A SKating, Omni-Oriented Tripedal Robot Peer-Reviewed ConferenceTalia MooreSeptember 12, 2023robotics, design, morphology, locomotion
Design and characterization of 3d printed, open-source actuators for legged locomotion Peer-Reviewed ConferenceTalia MooreSeptember 2, 2022robotics, 3D printing, design
Experimental characterization of components for active soft orthotics Peer-Reviewed ConferenceTalia MooreOctober 14, 2019human, robotics
Computing the Basin of Stability to Measure the Likelihood of Falling Peer-Reviewed ConferenceTalia MooreOctober 14, 2019human, stability
Emulating duration and curvature of coral snake anti-predator thrashing behaviors using a soft-robotic platform Peer-Reviewed ConferenceTalia MooreOctober 14, 2019snake, robotics, arrhythmic