HASEL Actuator Design for Out-of-Plane Bending: A Parametric Study of Planar Geometry

This project was completed as a collaboration between the Evolution and Motion of Biology and Robotics (EMBiR) Lab and the Robotics and Optimization for Analysis of Human Motion (ROAHM) Lab at University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.


author={Brei, Zachary and Lim, Chae Woo and Ferguson, Annie and Pradhan, Anvay A. and Sangeetha, Varshni Vinayagam and Bu, Xiangyun and Usui, Brent and Johnson, Daniel B. and Vasudevan, Ram and Moore, Talia Y.},

journal={IEEE RoboSoft 2024},

title={HASEL Actuator Design for Out-of-Plane Bending: A Parametric Study of Planar Geometry},


keywords={Soft Sensors and Actuators; Soft Robot Materials and Design; Soft Robot Applications}

